Reframing how you speak to others and yourself
I’m very conscious of the words I speak, not only to others but also myself. Self talk plays a huge role in how much enjoyment I get out of each day alive.
When someone asks you what you’re up to tomorrow how do you usually respond?
Are you normally someone who says something along the lines of:
I have to get up for work at 6 and then I have to get stuff for dinner…
If this is you try replacing HAVE TO with GET TO.
By reframing your situation from a curse to a blessing you introduce gratefulness into your day. You’re no longer a victim to your circumstances but a winner.
By realising it’s a privilege to get up early for work, you shift your entire perspective for the day ahead.
The reason why I bring this up is because today I caught myself saying:
I have to wait for 12 hours in the airport before my flight.
When I could have said:
I get to have 12 hours of uninterrupted time to work on my ideas in the airport. How good!
This simple reframing technique can be applied to any situation you find yourself in.
Note: Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t automatically look at every situation you find yourself in as a blessing.
I just find it’s a fantastic way to flip any negative situation I find myself into a positive. Which usually leads to me having a much better day.
You’re a winner.