March 20, 2024

Hi All!

Here is your weekly round up of what I’m pondering and exploring. Feel free to forward along to a friend if you think they might enjoy.

Prime yourself to see opportunity

Hey I want you to do a quick experiment with me. Finish the word below in your head.


Alright you have you thought of your word?


If you thought of soup your probably hungry or unknowingly thinking of food. And if you thought of soap you may have recently said or done something inappropriate.

This phenomena is called priming and I learnt about it in a book I’m currently reading called Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman. To keep things short it basically means events during your day or external circumstances can often prime your view on how you see and interpret the world.

What I’ve personally been doing is priming myself to try see the world as a place of extreme abundance and opportunity. I strongly believe you find exactly what you’re looking for. So your mindset dictates a lot of your external circumstances.

How to increase your “surface area of luck”

Last week on Twitter I found a great excerpt about showing up to the arena early if you want to get so called “lucky”.

Quote on luck

One of the arena’s I believe is still in this state of being able to get in contact with almost anyone and still build genuine relationships with key figures before the masses come is web3. Right now over on X and Warpcast you can literally get in touch with people genuinely passionate about the space and where things are going. You have CEO’s, artists, developers and other highly influential people waiting for you to form a connection with them.

People think music is “free”

“The brainwashing worked and now people think music is free” -James Blake

While streaming services have made music accessible to millions of people around the world. They’ve inherently devalued what the consumer believes music is worth.

I recently wrote a Letter to Ye explaining how the blockchain helps solve this issue and how owning your music and audience is the way for independent artists to make significantly more from their work even with a smaller audience.

Hope everyone enjoys their week.


Jet Williams

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