June 11, 2024
Hi All!
Here is your weekly round up of what I’m pondering and exploring. Feel free to forward along to a friend if you think they might enjoy.
The guy who made the big red boots
Last week I listened to a great podcast with the founder of MSCHF where he spoke about building one of the internets most viral brands. If you have no clue what MSCHF is they basically make obscure viral products — one of their most famous things they’ve made were the big red boots. If you’re any what interested in brand building and virility I’d give it a listen here.
Surrendering to Anxiety
Dealing with intrusive thoughts or other unpleasant thoughts that turn to worry is something I’ve had to learn to deal with. After years of fighting internally with myself I realised the harder you fight the stronger these feelings become.
I’ve had to learn to become an observer of my thoughts and accept that I am not my thoughts, they are something I’m experiencing.
There’s a great short below I’ve sent to a couple people I know who have similar struggles with anxiety that you might find helpful if you know any highly anxious people or are one yourself.
CC0 Music on The Blockchain
Last week I released a podcast episode about NFT music and remix culture on the blockchain. I both artists and executives from Roc Nation come join in on the conversation. You can listen to the full episode here if you have a spare hour.
Hope everyone enjoys their week.
Jet Williams