August 6, 2024

Hi All!

Here is your weekly round up of what I’m pondering and exploring. Feel free to forward along to a friend if you think they might enjoy.

My new jeans

As you’ve probably learnt by now I’m obsessed with timelessness. Which means I really love things like raw denim which age gracefully with each wear. I love the stains, the frays, the marks and the fade that turns another pair of jeans into your own little memento.

Last week my friend Kieran one of the craziest clothing designers I know invited me over to the Arco Lab. Which is where he creates all of the pieces by hand for his and his friends clothing brand Arco. So he could design and sew me a custom pair of pants.

Normally when I buy clothes I have no appreciation for the fact that an actual human put their hands on this. However, when I saw and helped Kieran throughout the entire process I found a new appreciation for the amount of work that goes into crafting something as simple as a pair of pants.

It took us (mostly him doing the work) over eight hours to piece together these pants. I plan on sharing the entire process on my YouTube channel once I’ve worn in the pants more and added my own customisations. Check out the pants below.

my new jeans

Why I love writing

As most of you know I’ve experimenting with almost every medium and now writing is slowly becoming my new favourites and here why..

  1. You can do it anywhere in the world. You literally don’t even need an internet connection. As long as you have a piece of paper, a phone or somewhere you can type or write your ideas you can write.

  2. You can express things that aren’t possible through other mediums. I really enjoy that writing to me helps me express subjective ideas that are often harder to explain or represent in a video or still.

  3. It helps me clear my thinking. Writing to me is a way of processing my ideas and viewpoints on the world. It forces to to collate your ideas and put together something that makes sense.

I know writing is old and can seem kind of boring but I’d urge anyone reading this to try write down their ideas, thoughts or experiences and see if it helps bring clarity and direction into your life.

Mental fortitude

Lately I’ve been trying to foster the ability to keep my cool even in times of uncertainty and chaos. I’m slowly learning, although extremely hard that if you are good internally you can deal with almost anything.

Whenever something irritates me or perhaps is really getting to me I try my best to take deep breathes through my nose and try bring my heart rate down as I tell myself everything is okay.

The little quote below I found on X encapsulates my thinking to a tee.

the mental fortitude test

A great quote from the guy who wrote Fight Club

Chuck Palahniuk Quote

What I’m reading right now and plan to read

As of late I’ve made it my mission to spend less time on my phone and dive back into my love of reading. I’m currently working through Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace and it’s one of the most intense books I’ve ever read about addiction and media in todays society. It’s so graphic that I find it hard reading it before I go to sleep because it usually messes up my sleep with the onslaught of overthinking and nightmares it can induce.

To combat this I’m currently juxtaposing this with A Game of Thrones at night since it’s not as real and hard hitting as IJ. This two book method has helped me stay focused on such a long book without losing interest. I’ve been taking the book day by day in small chunks as I chip away at its 1000+ pages.

It will still probably be another couple months until I finish this mammoth of a book but that doesn’t mean I can’t buy new books to read later. Check out the image below to see some of my latest pick ups.

My to be read books

Hope everyone enjoys their week.


Jet Williams

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