September 24, 2024

Hi All!

Here is your weekly round up of what I’m pondering and exploring. Feel free to forward along to a friend if you think they might enjoy.

Sincere Art

Last week I discovered The Museum of Bad Art which displays so called bad art. I felt inspired to share this with you all because I find so much beauty in seeing someone try their hand at something even if the end result doesn’t turn out perfect.

There is something so sincere about someone going out of their way to express something that they felt even if they don’t have all the technical proficiencies to bring their idea one hundred percent to life.

In my opinion, bad art is some of the most authentic art because the creators are making things with no other intention than expressing a feeling or idea.

I also think the human voice and hand is going to become even more important in an artificial intelligent future because even if AI can generate picture perfect films, paintings and even books — it’s going to miss what makes us special.

Our flaws.

In a world of abundance we treasure taste

Check out this great short article I found here on X, on taste and how important it is in a generative AI world.

blog post on the importance of taste

The latest book I’m reading!

I’ve read a lot of books over the past couple months as I’ve slowly improved my reading habits. To keep up to date with everything I’m reading check out my reading log on my site here.

In a previous newsletter I mentioned I wanted to get back into reading for pleasure and not just personal development. As a kid I used to eat fiction books like candy but as I grew older I started trying to improve myself as any young man does and started reading every self development book under the sun.

This was great at first but I soon realised 90% of these books had been practically all the same. No longer was I reading for the joy of it but to get something out of it. I’d developed this transactional relationship with books and forgotten why I’d started reading in the first place — to use my imagination and travel to faraway places.

Which I can proudly say I’ve finally started diving back into fictional worlds for pleasure again. Now, the latest fiction book I’m reading is Misery by Stephen King which I am fucking loving. It is so fast paced and is genuinely entertaining me.

I’d recommend anyone looking for something fun to read to check it out. I’m excited to dive deeper into the world of King.

Your going to be misunderstood

If your someone trying something outside of your comfort zone or have dreams for the future watch the video below for a shot of inspiration.

Who cares about IG likes lmao

Why should you care about instagram likes when you can get paid for posting the same work on platforms like Zora.

You would’ve already heard that I’m throwing a free workshop early October here in Sydney that you can sign up to here if you want to learn more about how the below works.

(no more promo for my event after today, promise lmao)

Zora Vs. Instagram

Hope everyone enjoys their week.


Jet Williams

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