September 30, 2024

Hi All!

Here is your weekly round up of what I’m pondering and exploring. Feel free to forward along to a friend if you think they might enjoy.

It’s the embarrassing moments that bring us closer

One of the important lessons I’ve taken from my short time on earth is that when it comes to relationships with friends, family and lovers — it’s the embarrassing moments that bring us closer.

Opening up to someone is scary. It’s much easier to protect your pride and your sense of self by closing yourself off from others. However, if you can build up the courage to let your walls down it can often make others feel much safer in your presence. By letting someone in on something you are ashamed or embarrassed can often create an even deeper connection between two different people.

It’s definitely scary and you do open yourself up to judgment and ridicule but if you can sit with the potential discomfort an entirely new world might open up for you.

The Era of Incompetence

I’m in no way perfect and am often a culprit of the below — but the below tweet is a great summary my generation. It’s uncomfortable to hear and you probably think your not lazy or entitled — like I often do.

But I thought it was something good to pay attention to.

incompetence of today

Playing The Game

Last week I stumbled upon a cool graph that showcased different thresholds of risk when playing the game.

I’ve dabbled into several investments and ventures of the years and have learnt a tonne. I’ve been burnt on many occasions but have also had some wins over the years. However, as I mature I’m adjusting my risk tolerance and the things I put my attention towards.

I think the below is very relevant to anyone trying to develop their critical thinking skills.

Zell Matrix

The difference between AI Art & Human Art

I found a funny tweet that encapsulates the AI Art debate that went something like this:

“The conversation about A.I begins and ends with the Spongebob episode where King Neptune mass produces hundreds of disgusting Krabby Patties through magic and Spongebob handmakes one delicious Krabby Patty with love.”

Spongebob vs King Neptune

Feeling Grateful

This past year has been somewhat hard for me with a variety of personal challenges I’ve faced and although this year hasn’t panned out exactly to be what I imagined — I’m grateful to still get another day.

Not much else to add here other than a quick thanks to everyone who reads whatever I talk about each and every week. I know it seems small and I understand it’s just a newsletter but everyone who reads what I write each and every week really does a lot for me.

So thank you!

Hope everyone enjoys their week.


Jet Williams

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