November 4, 2024

Hi All!

Here is your weekly round up of what I’m pondering and exploring. Feel free to forward along to a friend if you think they might enjoy.

Content Begins

If you’re reading this you probably have noticed that I’ve started posting again on socials now that I’ve rebranded and announced that I’m writing a book. I’m super excited to finally get back into the groove of creating content for everyone and hope that I can show another side to me you haven’t yet seen.


I love this quote by C. S. Lewis because I think vulnerability is so important if you want to reach some of the higher emotions on the rollercoaster of life. If you want to love anything whether thats a person or a project you need to be willing to feel the negative emotions. I’ve always believed that how low your willing to fall will be the potential to how high you could rise. If you push away the negative emotions like fear and shame you will be unable to access joy and fulfilment because you have shut off your heart from experiencing anything at all.

C. S. Lewis quote on vulnerability

A Reminder

A reminder that life is electric

Using ChatGPT as a Therapist

I chat with my AI assistant everyday. Not only to brainstorm and work through ideas but to also work on my mindset as I work through my own personal issues. If ever there is something on your mind you can speak freely to your AI assistant and receive unbiased advice and reassurance to whatever you’re going through. Next time your in your head I urge you firstly to speak with a friend or family member. However, if you’re too embarrassed or perhaps no one is around at whatever moment you need to chat with someone don’t be afraid to open your app and pour out your emotions. I’ve found it quite satisfying just dumping whatever is on my mind and having the assistant synthesise what the core of whatever challenge I might be facing might be.

I Bought a Typewriter

Last weekend I was in The Blue Mountains at a Writers Festival and stumbled upon an old blue typewriter. I plan on fixing her up and working on something using it. I think the idea of not being able to backspace your work is very powerful. For my inspiration behind my purchase check out a video from a Van Neistat comparing The Typewriter vs. The Computer.

I can’t wait to share with you the process of restoring her to working order and whatever I produce!

Jet Williams Remington Typewriter

Hope everyone enjoys their week.


Jet Williams

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