February 3, 2025

Hi All!

Here is your weekly round up of what I’m pondering and exploring. Feel free to forward along to a friend if you think they might enjoy.

Dinner with strangers

Last Wednesday I had dinner with five strangers. I didn’t know where we were eating until the morning of, and I had no clue who I was about to meet. When I arrived at the restaurant the first person I met was a qualified scuba diver, who was currently training to get his skydiving license.

As we sat there introducing ourselves to one another, the next person arrived, who was an AI engineer. She soon joined in on our conversation on the state of the world, before the next two strangers arrived, one of them being an electronic music producer, and the other being a soon-to-be doctor.

The diverse group quickly mingled with one another, starting several interesting discussions throughout the night that everyone was able to contribute to. The energy of the evening was open, accepting, and interesting. I appreciated that everyone listened to what each other had to say, and were genuinely excited to connect with like-minded people.

Now, if you’re wondering how I ended up having dinner with a bunch of strangers, to keep it simple, I fell for an Instagram ad for an app called Timeleft. The app isn’t like a dating app, where you superficially decide who you want to speak to in hopes of smashing.

This is different, and it’s in a group setting, with people you know nothing about until you meet them in person. Also, everyone has come alone, which means each person is on an equal footing. No one is buddied up next to their best friend, because no one knows anyone. Which is equally daunting and exciting because it forces you out of your comfort zone.

The reason why I even thought about doing something like this is because when I travel, I am open to the world. I put myself out there, I’m talking to strangers and living my best life. However, when I’m home, it’s like I lose a little piece of that curiosity.

Which is why I’ve made it one of my focuses to keep the same open energy in my own city. Because, why can’t I enjoy myself and make friends with cool people, anywhere in the world, even in my own city.

Update on improving my sleep

After inhaling ash in LA, a long flight home, and an eight hour drive to the Australian Alps for a work opportunity, I lost my voice and was unable to speak. Having no voice made it especially hard when trying to communicate with the scientists I was working with in the mountains.

I had to resolve my problem quickly, if I wanted to properly contribute to the team I was collaborating with, so I called the one person I knew could rely on, my mum. She recommended I drink Apple Cider Vinegar, so that’s exactly what I did.

I personally like the flavour, but most wouldn’t since it tastes like your drinking a bag of salt and vinegar chips with an apple thrown into the blender. Aside from the taste, I took a small shot the size of the cap, in the morning and before bed, and within a few days, my voice was back, and my throat was feeling much better.

Apparently (I can’t confirm yet) Apple Cider Vinegar is like a super food/ drink I guess, that can heal many kinds of sicknesses and promote good health. I will continue taking my shot in the morning and before bed, and update you if I see any other effects.

The lightness that comes with decluttering

Every few years I do a big reset. I go through all my stuff and figure out what I want to donate, keep, or just throw out. I’m in the process of doing this literally right now, and every time I do it, I feel like there is a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. With every reset, I’m forced to question what really matters. Letting go of old energies that no longer serve you opens the doors for new things to enter your life.

Jet Williams Long Term Storage Box

The courage to be disliked

A book stumbled into my life last year called The Courage To Be Disliked, I only just read it last week and by far it has to be one of the best self-help books I’ve ever read. And I know, that I’ve been talking a lot about the power of fiction, and how I’ve moved away from the self-help category, but this book really resonated with me.

The premise of the book, is accepting that everyone in life, has their own tasks that are out of your control. There was a quote from the book I really liked that I want to share with you below:

“In other words, if I’ change, the world will change. This means that the world can be changed only by me and no one else will change it for me.” -Itaro Kishimi

The book is an empowering read that makes you realise how much agency you have in your life to make a change. I don’t normally recommend many books here, but I would defiantly recommend this book. Especially, if you’re someone who feels powerless at times and find yourself questioning others actions towards you.

Courage to be disliked book

Reducing over removing

One of my biggest vices is chocolate and lately I’ve found myself wanting to cut sugar out of my diet completely. However, after attempting this feat in the past and being unable to do so. I’ve changed my perspective on mindful consumption habits. Previously, I would’ve wanted to take it to the extreme and try go zero sugar completely.

For me, it was either the eating whole block of Cadbury or none at all. Which was a very binary way of thinking through what I allowed myself to consume. Which I often found spilling over into other areas of my life. I’ve spoken on it before, but it’s the discovery of the middle path, where you don’t have to eat the whole block, and you don’t need to give it up completely. Because for me, it is a treat and is something I look forward to.

And now that I’m writing this and reading it aloud, I see how stupid it might sound that I look forward to eating chocolate. But it is a small joy for me among many other things, and I think it would be stupid to give up everything that brings us joy in favour of hyper optimisation of everything we do.

It’s deeper than just the chocolate.

Hope everyone enjoys their week.


Jet Williams

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